Saturday, April 18, 2009

Technology - Thing 7

I love my Ipod.  So much so, that I went out last weekend and bought a new one.  Though I was sorely tempted by the coolness factor of the Touch, i really have way to much music I want to hear. Introducing the IPod Classic - 120GB of spacious, roomy goodness.  I spent all weekend uploading the rest of my CDs into Itunes, and now have a no repeat run time of 83.4 days.  Even better, the Ipod is not even half full.

Just prior to this momentous occasion, I had a complete hard drive failure and lost everything.  I was devestated about the amount of work loading 30 + GB of music into my Itunes took origanlly. Since Apple in its infinite wisdom decided to prevent music sharing via ipod by not allowing you to upload to computer from pod, I needed another way.  Then this amazing web site appeared: ILounge.  There are hundreds of articles about all things Pod.  I even found a tutorial on how to transfer the music on your Ipod back to your computer.  


  1. Michael, I liked it fine.

    The touch about Bobby, is also cute. I was surprised that he stayed still long enough for you to photograph.

  2. Where did you find your icon. I know somebody who would like one similar to yours.

  3. As to the icon, look for details in an upcoming post next week. But if you're all too impatient head over to

  4. Wow that's some fun--all that music! Come clean, are the Jonas Brothers in your top 25 most played? :) Glad you found a work-around on the Ipod to PC download.

    You can Twitter on Blogger? Do polls? Ok, we need to talk again.....

  5. OMG. I might be insulted. I might have to consider a transfer to North Sac...

    Jonas bros... sheesh.

    Though let see. My top 5 since the reload: Death Cab for Cutie, Muse, Airborne Toxic Event, Flogging Molly, and The Killers.

  6. The yellow walls in the Rio Linda are awesome! It sure looks bright and sunny!

  7. Grandma B, you LIKE the yellow walls? They give me a headache.

  8. Thanks, I'd love to be able to get my music off of my iPod!
