Thursday, May 7, 2009

Delicious, or how I learned to stop picking "Favorites"

So, its been a while since I've posted. Mostly because the branch has been busy, and my free time at home has been eaten up with a rediscovered hobby. Also, I was working quite a bit ahead. Getting on track again, I've decided to explore delicious with emphasis on my hobby, Gunpla (japanese term for Gundam Plastic Modelling).

First off.  Delicious appears to still be heavily used by a certain type and group of people and not a very "pop culture" or everybody site.  The most popular stuff day in and day out tend towards the extreme technical end of graphic design and web production, with cute animal pictures thrown in.

Even though it appears the average user is a highly technical person, the site has some very cool and exciting features, specifically user defined tagging and social bookmarking.  I think that there are some really interesting oppurtunities for an organization to share tagging guidelines and then go tag the web.  If an organization does this type of joint production we can help to create a unified pressence on the web and a useful resource.  An example is that we have all the SPL Teen librarians tag a bunch of sites as SPL Teen Interest, those people who are not with the latest teen trends could quickly find resources to get them up to speed...

Enough about thoughts and impressions, lets take a look when I search for the tags : gunpla

Several of my favorite sites on how to, how to get better, and what new models are coming soon are listed in the first page.  Also by seeing these sites and the tags, others use to describe them, I can find new sites, with maybe more specific information about specific models I'm working on, or different and cheaper ways to come up with the same effects.

The only problem is that the modelling I'm interested in doesn't involve flouncing down a catwalk, but there is definately posing involved in each area.


  1. Also, if you find others who use the same sites that interest you, you can 'follow' them or become a 'fan' and be notified when they add to their bookmarks.
