Friday, April 17, 2009

Raisin Warhol or how to mash!

Raisin Warhol
Originally uploaded by mjtlib

After exploring the wonderful world of mashups, and making a trading card out of my wife, I decided to use the Warholizer toy at fd's Flickr Toys to make a picture of the world's largest raisin box into ART!

Also reviewed a site called Internet Inferno, which took the tags from photos and then linked them to the levels of purgatory and hell in the order that Dante wrote them. Some pictures were just weird, a lot were spot on, and some were extremely funny. Apparently each time you load the page it creates new images too.


  1. Please post link to Internet Inferno!

  2. Hey, is that picture of your wife taken from that bridge on the old highway above Donner Lake?

  3. That is my wife, and she spun and dyed the wool to make the hat, and actually knitted the hat. That is the vista point above donner lake.

    And believe it or not the link to the Internet Inferno is
